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Fearless Imps - New Game+

Submitted by walter253
Category Mod
Rating 4.33 / 5 3 ratings
Difficulty 1.5 / 5 2 ratings
Submission date 2023-12-08
Last updated 2023-12-09
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.1.0
Filesize 1.66MiB
Downloads 119
File Filesize Downloads Date 1.66MiB 102 2023-12-09

Fearless Imps - New Game+.

A simple mod requested by @riseofdofi a popular streamer among the Keeper Klan community.

New Game+ is used as base so before you try this mod I recommend you try to beat that campaign first.

  • Imps are fearless, they won't flee away and will engage in fight.
  • They get a slight bonus in their statistics so "they don't get one-shotted".
  • They can do all the jobs, including Research, Manufacture, Scavenge, Guard, Barracks and Pray.
  • They specialize in ranged combat and start with Arrow at lv1. They still learn Speed at lv3 and Teleport at lv10.
  • Additionally they learn Missile and Navigating Missile at lv3, Invisibility at lv5, Lizard at lv7 and Rebound at lv9.
  • Be careful to not slap them too often since they can now get angry and will go in Mad Psycho anger job.
  • Holding them in hand for too long will also make them angry. Make them happy with a Temple or by winning battles.
  • Player's max creature is fixed to 0 for all maps, however you can still get neutral, steal hero or convert ennemies.
  • Repeat Trigger enabled on most attacking instances so you can hold click while using skills during possession.
  • Prison/Torture/Graveyard will generate new Imps instead of their respective undead.
  • Hailstorm has 'penetrating' property: shot passes through creature to hit those behind.
  • Bundled with a Prinnies mode, to play it simply pick the campaign Fearless Prinnies - New Game+.
  • Prinnies have a different skillset than the Imps, they start with Ice Arrow which apply Slow to their target, they learn Freeze at lv3, Invisibility at lv5, Hailstorm at lv7, Armour at lv9 and Teleport at lv10.

Author's Tips:
  • Imps will reinforce walls if you drop them close to a wall instead of doing the room's job.
  • This is also the case for fighting, so be careful of where you drop them before engaging a fight.
  • Both Imp Arrow and Ice Arrow are immune to rebound so you are not totally screwed against it.
  • Room sell for 100% of their value and you can break neutral walls while in possession.
  • Some rules are slightly altered, you can check rules.cfg in campgns\frlssmps_cfgs folder to know more about it.

Installation Intructions

Unpack it on your KeeperFX folder. Play it on campaign selection menu.


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Hi Walter, when is the fire version coming :P and if you do not have time are we allowed to extend this version?

GlaswegianBR 🇬🇧

I'm nlg I spawned about 100 Level 10 imp and watched them decimate the Avatar for the memes