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War Banner

Submitted by ben_lp
Category Other
Rating Not rated yet
Submission date 2023-12-01
Last updated 2023-12-02
Filesize 1.05MiB
Downloads 30
File Filesize Downloads Date
war banner 1.05MiB 28 2023-12-02

an animated warbanner from open dungeons . use it with animation Speed 0 for no animation.

Credits: Modelgod danimal

Installation Intructions

add my zip to the cfg folder and add my objects to your object.cfg


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ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter

I'm sorry i was too fast with uploading..... so my offsets we're wrong.... i fixed it. it will not happen again :)

ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter

to my first downloader: load it again. the colours and lights are now perfect