Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

You can find it here.


Submitted by dragoonlich
Category Other
Rating 5 / 5 6 ratings
Submission date 2023-11-20
Last updated 2024-01-16
Min. game version KeeperFX 0.5.0b Build 3081
Filesize 207.17KiB
Downloads 38
File Filesize Downloads Date 207.17KiB 20 2024-01-16

This campfire is designed to be used in an area that the heroes use as a base camp and are supposed to defend. It should be paired with a terrain type that has the characteristics of "Guard Post" but is identical in appearance to "unclaimed terrain". However, it is possible to place it in the center of an area with barracks or a guard post. It gives off light and gives a nice effect in a game.

F = Fire_camp

Hope you like it. If you have any suggestions, please contact me.

Installation Intructions

To be able to add this object to your maps you must insert the following lines into objects.cfg After that put this "" file in the folder that contains objects "keeper/fxdata" or "keeper/campgns/yourcampain_cfg/"

Put in the object.cfg the

AnimationID = FIRE_CAMP
AnimationSpeed = 250
Size_XY = 0
Size_YZ = 0
MaximumSize = 200
DestroyOnLava = 0
DestroyOnLiquid = 0
Health = 200
FallAcceleration = 0
LightUnaffected = 0
LightIntensity = 50
LightRadius = 6
LightIsDynamic = 1

Replace xxx with the correct number sequence


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Love this!!, It will get much use from me!

For some reason, when I place these in my map, i get a stationary Hound instead..?

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

The running hound animation is shown when there's an issue with the sprites. Maybe you have put the .zip in the wrong position or you messed something up with the .cfg.

I don't know why, but this still won't work for me, I have it in the right number sequence in my objects [object169] and have the zip in the correct fxdata folder as every other add on.. weird, everything else I have downloaded has worked perfectly..

Do you have the log with the error?

Yeah, I can't see anything wrong there..., also I have tried with, tried renaming it to (like in instructions) and like in the object name, none of this worked either

Did you fix it?

damn just tried it, still running dogs...

Yes, dragoon made a mistake in his readme.

you need to have the animationid be FIRE_CAMP, not FIRE_GLOBE


AnimationID = FIRE_CAMP
AnimationSpeed = 255
Size_XY = 100
Size_YZ = 100
MaximumSize = 200
DestroyOnLava = 0
DestroyOnLiquid = 0
Health = 200
FallAcceleration = 0
LightUnaffected = 0
LightIntensity = 50
LightRadius = 5
LightIsDynamic = 1

Mmm.. Excuse me but what would be the difference between FIRE_CAMP and FIRE_CAMP?

sorry, edited. In the readme inside the file, you have FIRE_GLOBE. I edited the installation instructions here on this icon to more clearly show the info there. But it seems it is solved and was another issue.

Ah! Ok.. Thank you and sorry for the error

yeah, I was about to ask the same...

all good!!! fixed now!.. problem was duplicate items in keeperfx/ personal.cfgs... too many items... remember everyone... just update your persona..cgfs folder or similar... never bugger with your fxdata folder :)

Sorry for the problem

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

Have you looked into the keeperfx.log file? There might be something that explains it there. You can ask on the Keeper Klan Discord to probably get a faster and better answer.

This sounds really complicated. I think you need a more comprehensive set of instructions. I'm an old timer, and I'd have no idea how to use this.

Hi, I understand you. However, things are quite simple if you follow the instructions found in the readme.txt file inside the ZIP. You need to extract just that file or at least consult it. If you still have problems let me know I'll try to explain better.

I formatted your installation instructions, making it easier to read.

Thank you

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

Do you have ingame pictures?

I add 1 pic

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

Making heroes "camp" the campfire is also possible by spawning them and setting their objective to DEFEND_LOCATION

Yes! You are right! Good idea!