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Rough Heart Gem

Submitted by Yani
Category Other
Rating 5 / 5 3 ratings
Submission date 2023-11-08
Filesize 32.91KiB
Downloads 31
File Filesize Downloads Date 32.91KiB 31 2023-11-08

This Rough Heart Gem is an alternative Dungeon Heart container.

I will probably use it in my upcoming campaign.


Installation Intructions

Copy into your <campaign>_cfg , <mappack>_cfg or fxdata folder.

Edit the objects.cfg file for the campaign, mappack or your whole installation and set the AnimationID to ROUGH_HEART_GEM for object5 (SOUL_CONTAINER)


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William_Imhoff 🇺🇸

I know that i put the rough heart gem on the Quest for the Hero campaign it was great for me