Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Submitted by ben_lp
Category Creature
Rating 4.38 / 5 8 ratings
Submission date 2023-11-05
Last updated 2025-01-04
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 840.86KiB
Downloads 141
File Filesize Downloads Date 840.86KiB 7 2025-01-04 701.16KiB 126 2023-11-08

This is the Minotaur.
he is a pretty slow but tough fighter, his axe can hurt a lot

Health: 1000 Strength: 80 Armour: 60 Dexterity: 100 Defence: 90 Luck: 12

Primary Job : train Secondary Job : manufacture

Attacks: Fist(lvl1) Axe Throw (lvl2) Armour (lvl7)

Attracted by : 5x5 Tiles Lair 5x5 workshop 5x5 training

workshop skill : 3

research skill : 0

Credit : Danimal

Installation Intructions

he has a new attack so you need to add a shot and an instance in your files from your fxdata folder.

Add my instance to your creature.cfg
add my shot to your magic.cfg

be sure to increase your count limit.

Go in your fxdata/creatures folder and add the "TAURUS" into the creatures.cfg. Make sure you have the latest released version available of KeeperFX, it is also recommended to have the latest alpha patch.

Move Taurus.cfg into your mappack/campaigns/personal creatrs folder. Or into KeeperFX\creatrs folder.

Move and (/!\ do not extract it!) into your mappack/campaigns/personal rules folder. Or into KeeperFX\fxdata folder.

Add the inside of my Object.cfg to your Objects.cfg with the right number in your fxdata folder


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Beastly!! love it!!

Awesome creature, really like your work!! I do have a problem tho, i did everything as you said but the minotaur is not shooting his axe but the darkangel is shooting his skeleton, taurus also gets all his abilities right at level 1 which is odd, what did i fucked up?

ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter • Edited

updated the alpha ? then it could be files are overwritten. best to use it in a seperate campaign or level so it is proof to not beeing overwritten. this sound like a missing creature.cfg in the crtr folder. or a missing Instance or shot

thank you for the reply!

i have the feeling that i may messed up something with the shotscount? since angel spells and everything works fine but taurus seem to not working correctly even tho i did the exact same as you described

maybe i need to add another shot? angel is shot33 and taurus is shot34 so it would make sense to put the shotcount to 34, right? just so confused since i did exactly the same as i did with angel but something is messed up

ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter • Edited

ah the count is always 1 more because the game starts at zero. so if you increase a count limit then go +1 over your last shot or instance

ohhh that might be it then! gotta try it out and thanks for your help, appreciate it!!

ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter

otherwise i need screenshots of your files and can't really help you here, i recommend you to join discord and send me a PM. this would be an easy way.

walter253 🇻🇨

It's a cow that happen to use an axe, very fun and it's pretty strong. Good asset!

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

I'll be using this one 😜