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Flying terror

Submitted by ben_lp
Category Creature
Rating 5 / 5 8 ratings
Submission date 2023-11-04
Last updated 2023-11-06
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 724.76KiB
Downloads 156
File Filesize Downloads Date 724.76KiB 151 2023-11-06

This is the flying terror.
It likes to fly around in your dungeon :)
it can join you early in the game and is tougher than insects.

Health: 550 Strength: 50 Armour: 40 Dexterity: 50 Defence: 90 Luck: 15

Primary Job : fight and scavange Secondary Job : Research and seek the enemy

Attacks: Fist(lvl1) Sight (lvl1) Rebound (lvl4) Speed (lvl8)

Attracted by : 9 Tiles Lair

workshop skill : 0

research skill : 2

Credit : Danimal

Installation Intructions

Go in your fxdata/creatures folder and add the "FLYING_TERROR" into the creatures.cfg . Make sure you have the latest released version available of KeeperFX, it is also recommended to have the latest alpha patch.

Move Flying_terror.cfg into your mappack/campaigns/personal creatrs folder. Or into KeeperFX\creatrs folder.

Move (/!\ do not extract it!) into your mappack/campaigns/personal rules folder. Or into KeeperFX\fxdata folder.

Add the inside of my Object.cfg to your Objects.cfg with the right number in your fxdata folder


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perhaps My Favourite creature so far, love the non Humanoid ones, and this one is Awesome!!!!!! - Great Work!

ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter

his attack needs to be changed from REBOUND to DRAIN

walter253 🇻🇨

It's an interesting creature to play with, Flying is great ability but was only present on weak creature like Fly, so it's great to see it on something that's stronger!

ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter

i have changed the "RANGED" Attack mode to "MELEE" attack mode

Yani 🇧🇪 Admin

Absolutely amazing Ben!!