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Dark Elf

Submitted by ben_lp
Category Creature
Rating 4.33 / 5 6 ratings
Submission date 2023-11-04
Last updated 2023-11-04
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 421.87KiB
Downloads 126
File Filesize Downloads Date 421.87KiB 126 2023-11-04

This is the dark elf.

Health: 300 Strength: 20 Armour: 20 Dexterity: 100 Defence: 90 Luck: 15

Lair Enemy : Archer

Primary Job : Guard Secondary Job : Train

Attacks: Arrow(lvl1) Navigating Missile (lvl4) Slow (lvl8)

Attracted by : 9 Tiles Guard Post

workshop skill : 0

research skill : 2

Credit : Contmike, Danimal and Lamoot

Installation Intructions

Go in your fxdata/creatures folder and add the "DARK_ELF" into the creatures.cfg. Make sure you have the latest released version available of KeeperFX, it is also recommended to have the latest alpha patch.

Move Dark_elf.cfg into your mappack/campaigns/personal creatrs folder. Or into KeeperFX\creatrs folder.

Move (/!\ do not extract it!) into your mappack/campaigns/personal rules folder. Or into KeeperFX\fxdata folder.

Add the inside of my Object.cfg to your Objects.cfg with the right number in your fxdata folder


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No matter how much I try, I can´t get her to spawn from the portal. How to make her spawn easy on any map?

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ben_lp 🇩🇪 Submitter

i guess 450 health and 35 strength is better

walter253 🇻🇨

I feel like she's a bit too weak for the game right now, I had to buff her.