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Absolutely loved this map! Quite challenging and required me to think outside the box. I thought that the mysterious boxes were an interesting twist to the plot! Had the same issue with the imps dragging the prisoners away over the lava but I adapted and made it work. Completed it first go but ended up losing most of my creatures by the end as the last battle was tough! Bravo for making such a cool map! :D
I ended up beating the map and I still don't get what I needed to do to get the mistresses and the reaper from the prisons. Also, as soon as I converted the first Avatar, the map was over. I think the script needs a separate flag to count White's avatars. Other than that, a very interesting map!
A very enjoyable map in my opinion. The plot is very interesting and the map feels very alive. There is so much to do and explore. In particular in the beginning, I found myself thinking quite a lot how to proceed. Had some "Puzzle Box" vibes here without it being overly stressful or hard on my mind.
In terms of difficulty I found it challenging in some of of the battles but still always fair. I can imagine it must be quite difficult to balance things the right way, so I think you did very well here. The last fight I found quite tough and it took my quite a bit until I defeated the avatar. Not sure if I liked that fight but on the other hand, it did really feel like a true boss fight. So perhaps it is good as it is :D.
One peculiar thing I noticed is that when my imps tried to drag the unconscious bodies towards the prison, they often got stuck on bridges or those pathways leading across the lava. This lead to the fact that the bodies were dumped directly into the lava, leaving me unable to imprison them. Such a shame. This happened particularly often near the lower left corner of the hero fortress on the pathway that was activated through a magic box. Perhaps imps are also not used to flying and fool around with it.
In reference to your last comment: I didn't have any lags at all. Map ran very smoothly.
By the way, loved the sound of that "creature". Reminded me that I should really play Subnautica again :P.
found the horny ? then the avatar is no problem
I have disabled the download because in my case the map was extremly laggy. I will remove now some heroes which might are the Issue. Please let me know if the game was laggy at you.
it should now run even softer and smother without lags.
Updated the map. There are no more creatures in holes, a maximum of 20 traps, Knights and Samurais have been made extremely strong and are only supported by the avatar. I did when the avatar is dead a new one spawns, the music changes after he is in prison, the creatures start with lvl 4 and more increase lvl boxes are hidden so there is no more frameskip, more messages, you can now do ghosts and some more small things. Temples don't exist until later, And the place where the imps have lost the spell over lava should now be no more and blue also has healing. You can no longer put samurais, fairies, witches, skeletons in prison and thus convert them no more.
good map! had to replay it a couple of times. when you figure everything out it was easier
we playing lego now
lego is still better than duplo