Be sure have the latest alpha. (avoid gamecrash)
Be Fast, think quick or die.
Defeat 3 agressive enemy Keepers under massive waves of Heroes.
You favourite Creatures to beat the heroes gonna be the biles.
Good luck
Difficulty : DeeperDungeons
Mind that the Portals have an effect on your total creatures 1=25 2=30 3=35 (35+only the enemy keepers)
portal didn't work, updated version out
When I defeat the green player, the game crashes. I have tried it twice in a row and same result. In the other hand, its a good map !
I Fixed the Start which was sometimes too hard. if the game gives you no bile demons, it was impossible. it should be a lot easier now and you didnt have to restart until getting the right creatures. The Enemys should also not be able anymore to fight themself, instead they will fight only against you.
thereΒ΄s a new updated version out
Game crashed for me once I killed the blue Keeper so I didn't finish it.
I'd avoid posting the revealed map as the image as it's a big spoiler for how you can play the game.
Because the Portal to the north has earth next to it, you can drop an Imp and scout his whole base from the beginning.
It looks interesting, but with access to almost every spell, trap and room it's just a case of getting the resources and taking out the enemies one by one, so it feels a little stale there.
Heroes were interesting to start with, meaning I had to make sure I had some creatures before the first wave, but the heroes stopped coming pretty quickly (although this meant I now had more creatures, presumably the tipping point for killing the other Keepers easily). It's a good idea but could have been more.
The map felt quite exploitable - I could start the game and wall off the three other keepers with no issue whatsoever and I'm sure I could have done more if I had tried, like stealing the gems all the way to the north without fighting Green.
Definitely needs some fixes and some ways to make it more interesting.
Also, I'd recommend placing some starting Imps on your Dungeon Heart and adding a gap around the Heart, it just looks better that way.
Not a bad map, just not very interesting.