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Avatar Torture Animations

Created by Loobinex, Spatulade
Category Mod
Rating 5 / 5 5 ratings
Difficulty Not rated yet
Submitted by Spatulade
Submission date 2023-06-14
Last updated 2023-06-14
Min. game version KeeperFX 1.0.0
Filesize 59.58KiB
Downloads 61
File Filesize Downloads Date 59.58KiB 61 2023-06-14

Custom torture animations for the Avatar, to replace the generic one.

Installation Intructions

Put the archive (do not unzip it) in either fxdata or your campaign's _cfgs folder, then edit the avatar.cfg file in either creatrs or the campaign's _crtr folder, so it has the line "Torture = AVATAR_TORTURE".


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ben_lp 🇩🇪

loving mod hahaha