Create your own maps and campaigns for KeeperFX and DK1 with Unearth.

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Dungeons and Keepers

Created by Kix
Category Campaign
Rating 3.7 / 5 10 ratings
Difficulty 4.09 / 5 10 ratings
Original creation date 2017-02-01
Submission date 2023-06-09
Last updated 2023-06-10
Min. game version KeeperFX 0.4.8 Build 2154
Filesize 1.13MiB
Downloads 530
File Filesize Downloads Date
Dungeons And Keepers 21-map campaign 2017 1.13MiB 530 2023-06-09

Maps: 21+2 Various. First half is of same difficulty as levels 15+ from original campaign. Second half is usually harder than Skybird Trill. Overall: medium.


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megaleon6009 🇦🇷

facilito mano, buen mapa disfrute cada nivel aunque necesite ayuda de un youtuber que por suerte tenia todo el mapa subido, sufri bastante pero me gusto :3

chris_96449 🇩🇪 • Edited

Update: unfortunately, I just reached about level 8 or so. The level Schizo was simply too hard for me, despite several tries. I had the feeling that it was very much RNG-based. I am quite disappointed because this means I am kind of missing out further 12 or so levels and I really liked the campaign so far. The only consolation I feel is that even Treebeard mentioned that Schizo was probably the level he enjoyed the least...

You could also just skip a campaign level if you want with cheats.

chris_96449 🇩🇪 • Edited

I am currently at the 5th or 6th map of the campaign and think it is time for a first feedback.

These maps are truly fun and very diverse. Each map feels kind of different but still retains the specific characteristic of the campaign. You can feel the "style" of the map maker, so to speak which is good because it shows that there was quite a lot of thought and work put into it.

Difficulty-wise I found the "medium" difficulty in the map description as well as the first half of the campaign to be comparable to the original campaign a huge understatement. This map pack is nowhere near as easy as the original campaign - not even easier than Deeper Dungeons, so I must disagree on this part. I found the difficulty of the campaign ranging from easy to extremely hard. The difficulty does not increase with progressing through the map pack, rather I found it was utterly random. You might have a few hard maps and then again some maps that are totally easy in contrast to the previous one. It's quite a gamble.

Nevertheless, I would like to highlight that these maps are so entertaining that it will keep you wanting to try again and again despite having lost a few times. Luckily, "Thetreebeard" has made a few Youtube videos on the campaign in case you feel stuck.