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It looks like I will be first one who is commenting this campaign here :) . Generaly speaking I didnt enjoy this campaign that much. Maps are designed quite well and there is interesting story too. The biggest problem I had with campaign are massive changes to creatures. Spells, behavior, attributes, just everything is completely different. Big theme is also creature leveling extremely fast and I mean it. If you have Beetle at level 1 fighting enemy at higher level, he can easily make 5+ levels on him. Some creatures are kind of harder to train or more like control them to do what you want. Most creatures dont use the rooms you can have, which are limited anyway to basic few most maps. That means they will just run around at high speed like on steroids being completely out of your control which is not really good in my opinion as I like to control my army. Bile demons are also massively overpowered compared to most of creatures you can have.
You also dont have hatchery, creatures were changed to not need it, atleast some of them. But you will constantly hear the voice nagging you about fact of not having hatchery... 8 map campaign is simply too short for massive changes author made and its over before you learn everything, well you dont even need to honestly, you just mass Bile demons who will kill most enemies and use others as support i guess or as source of frustration because they will lure enemies to you.
I will comment all maps now, but before that I would like to make rating. Originality, map design and story would be 3-4+ but insane creature changes makes this one big experiment which is not working well and some mapos could have more in them so my ratting is 2/5, Difficulty is not hard, I would say that difficulty mostly comes from beign just frustrated by your creatures and not understanding their changes fully .D So I would say it is 3/5.
Level 1 - it was beyond my understanding why campaign starts with fight against heroes and keeper on top of that with multiple different monsters who are completely changed. It was terrible map for learning what your creature can do and how they act. I would comment the map with one word : CONFUSION.
Level 2 - Huge maze with Horned reapers you need to avoid. Idea is good, but maze has just nothing in it. On my first attempt I died of hunger so it took me few more to know where to actualy go. Forget finishing it without save loading. There is no twist either, just runnign whole time. Tranfer level at the end is also quite pointless because your creatures dies often in next maps so it didnt have any impact. But now when I think about it, I could level the one of my choosing by killing others to get better advantage.
Level 3 - I was highly frustrated by this map because your creatures just run everywhwre just not where you want them to run. and you are attacked from several places. But weird thing was that I finished map on my I think third attempt without actualy digging tunnel to one of the caves where monsters spawned. Huge army accumulated there but I didnt have to kill them when final wave came.
Level 4 - Took me some time to udnerstand what I had to do but I enjoyed the map. I felt like I was trolled by author tho. You have instructions what to do, but its not said exactly how you should achieve it.
Level 5 - Very interesting map with cool story idea. But really short one.
Level 6,7 are basicly same map as level 4 but you play in different position on map and what you did in level 5 changed the map which is cool concept.
Level 8 - You have to kill Avatar as soon as possible. Based on the messages I was given, It took me way too long time. But it wasnt really specified where I should go. Map has giant skull structure in the middle, but Avatar wasnt there which confused me. I think idea was that you have to navigate your imps there and make tunnel all around the map to connect yourself with room where Avatar is. But before I did that, he actualy spawned. I guess he was bored of me not finding me fast enough lol. But omg, if you are against frame skipping, you will hate fight with him. It was very boring even with frame skipping to me as it took such a long time to kill him.